Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tas: Greens demand govt pressure for permanent Israeli ceasefire

AAP General News (Australia)
Tas: Greens demand govt pressure for permanent Israeli ceasefire

HOBART, Aug 1 AAP - The federal government should use "maximum pressure" to convert
Israel's partial and temporary suspension of bombing in southern Lebanon into a permanent
ceasefire, the Australian Greens say.

Greens leader Bob Brown said today the world had been appalled by an Israeli airstrike
that killed at least 50 people, most of them children, in the southern Lebanese town of
Qana on Sunday.

"The world has been appalled by the carnage in Qana, the bombing of ambulances and
massive loss of civilian life and infrastructure," Senator Brown said.

"The ceasefire should be continued until peacekeeping forces are in place."

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