Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Safe and affordable abortions essential - Democrats

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Safe and affordable abortions essential - Democrats

The Australian Democrats say safe and affordable abortions are essential to women's health.

Liberal MP PETER SLIPPER has questioned whether abortions should be funded by Medicare
and called for a debate on the contentious issue.

Democrats leader LYN ALLISON says she's always concerned about talk of reducing access
to abortion services for women.

But she says if people want to stir the pot, she's prepared to get into the debate.

She says reforms to reduce the level of unwanted pregnancy should be brought in.

But Senator ALLISON says people should stop blaming women for becoming pregnant when
they don't wish to.

She says safe affordable terminations are critically important to reproductive health
for women in Australia.

AAP RTV sjp/sb/rcg/jo


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