Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Rudd Government on six month high, Newspoll

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Rudd Government on six month high, Newspoll

The Rudd Government has been given an early Christmas present .. with support for the
Labor Party leaping to a six-month high.

With voters lapping up the 10 billion dollar stimulus package .. support for the government
.. and Prime Minister KEVIN RUDD .. shows no signs of a slump.

News Ltd reports on a two-party preferred basis .. the Labor Party has leapt four percentage
points since the last survey to 59 per cent .. its best result in six months .. while
the coalition is languishing at 41 per cent support.

Mr RUDD'S rating as better prime minister also has risen .. up three points to 66 per cent.

But the tidings are not good for Opposition Leader MALCOLM TURNBULL whose standing
as preferred prime minister has dropped two points to 19 per cent .. his worst result
since being elected leader in September.

AAP RTV ab/psm/


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