Wednesday, February 29, 2012

VIC:57th Vic parliament opened

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC:57th Vic parliament opened

The 57th Victorian parliament has been officially opened in a formal program of pomp
and ceremony .. preceding the grittier business of state politics.

Hundreds of relatives and coalition supporters have gathered at Spring Street today
.. to witness a Victoria Police guard of honour and performance of the national anthem
by members of the police band.

Members from both chambers .. new and returning .. have squashed into velvet benches
to officially receive the new coalition government.

At 2.30 pm (AEDT) Victorian Governor Professor DAVID DE KRETSER officially opened the parliament.

The Liberal-Nationals' immediate focus is on improving community safety .. with new
laws for scrapping suspended sentences and installing protective services officers on
train stations likely to be intro duced later today.

AAP RTV ees/mh/tm


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