Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Moylan leaves open door on ON preferences

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Moylan leaves open door on ON preferences

CANBERRA, Feb 15 AAP - A Liberal Party backbencher has left open the door to One Nation
preferences in defiance of Prime Minister John Howard.

West Australian MP Judi Moylan today said she would examine data from last week's West
Australian state election before making a decision on One Nation preferences in her seat
of Pearce.

She said she had made no decision on allocating preferences to One Nation ahead of Labor.

Any decision would be made in consultation with party faithful and what was best for
the electorate.

"I don't think it's so much spooking Liberals, but what I'm determined is that Kim
Beazley is not going to ride to success in the next federal election on the back of minor
party preferences," she told ABC Radio.

"I will examine the information, the exit poll data in relation to both independents
and minor parties, all of them, to see what sort of impact they had.

"I will then talk to my supporters and local people to determine what will be done about them."

Ms Moylan is the first Liberal MP to leave open the question of One Nation preferences.

At the last federal election in 1998, Ms Moylan put One Nation last on her preference

Although she retained the seat, her primary vote support was down more than 10 per
cent while One Nation picked up 12.5 per cent of total votes.

Ms Moylan said country people wanted the government to address their concerns, such
as high petrol prices.

She reiterated her support for a freeze on the February 1 petrol excise increase which
was rejected by Mr Howard.

"I think every every option should be looked at to help rural people through what has
been an enormously tough time," she said.

AAP sw/daw/jas/bwl


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