Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Nick Swardsonis 'Born to Be a Star'

You may not know Nick Swardson's name, but you probably love his many gay roles. He stole every scene that wasn't nailed down in "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry," and his recurring role as roller-skating manwhore Terry on "Reno 911 !" is consistently gut-busting. Long a member of the Adam Sandler repertory - Swardson voiced the title role in Sandler's legendary pilot for the never-produced sitcom "Gay Robot" - this bit player finally gets the spotlight in "Bom to Be a Star." Swardson stars as a Midwesterner who discovers that his straight-laced parents are actually ex-pom stars, so he decides to go to LA. and follow in their footsteps. The cast includes Christina Ricci and, as a screen-stud-turned-family-man, Edward Herrmann. Here's hoping "Star" (co-written by Sandler) lives up to its premise when it opens next year.

[Author Affiliation]

Romeo San Vicente can do bad all by himself, but it's much more fun with two or three other people helping out. He can be reached care of this publication or at DeepInsideHollywood@qsyndicate.com.

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