Saturday, March 3, 2012

The worlds of cars and robots start to overlap; The technology that makes robots autonomous is also key to advanced auto components.(News)

Byline: Hans Greimel

It was only his third day at Honda Motor when Masato Hirose got his unorthodox orders. "We want you to build Astro Boy," his new bosses commanded.

The fledgling engineer was confused, to say the least. Not only was Astro Boy a fictional flying robot from Japanese comic books, Honda was, after all, an automaker.

"I thought they were crazy," Hirose recalls.

Yet 20 years later, Hirose is still chasing the dream as head of Honda's robotics program. And right behind him in the quest is none other than Toyota Motor.

Today, the Japanese automakers are in an intense race to build ever more sophisticated humanoid …

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