Friday, March 2, 2012

Long Beach police using communications arsenal to connect with public


LONG BEACH -- If you see something, say something.

That's the message behind the Long Beach Police Department's newtechnology being used to communicate with city residents said PoliceChief Jim McDonnell.

Inspired by public demand, the department has implemented asecure and anonymous way for residents to submit crime tips toauthorities.

"We now have more ways than ever to keep the lines ofcommunication open between the department and the people that weserve," McDonnell said.

During a time of reduced budgets and decreasing resources,technology is more relevant today than it has ever been, the chiefsaid in a media conference Thursday.

"We're strengthening our numbers without additional cost by usingtechnology to leverage that," he said.

Tips is an application which allows someone to provideinformation to police electronically and remain anonymously,according to police.

"They send a text message or send a web tip by using a computerwith Internet access. A third party provider receives the tip andassigns the tipster a code which can then be used by that individualso he or she can later add information to the original tip,"McDonnell said.

Another innovation is IWatch, a public awareness campaign toeducate the community about the important role everyone plays inpublic safety, including homeland security, the chief said.

"This is something that we are very proud to be able to roll outhere in Long Beach. It incorporates the concept of neighborhoodwatch with modern technology - reinforcing the reality that everyperson I see is the eyes and ears for the police, allowing them away to conveniently and anonymously report crimes to the Long BeachPolice Department," he said. "Really what it comes down to is all ofus being responsible for our own safety and the safety of ourfamilies and those around us."

Yet another communications system is Nixle, which enables thedepartment to communicate important, time sensitive information viathe web, live text or E-mail alerts.

It sends messages on routine things such as road closures andtraffic issues and issues critical alerts such as missing persons ordangerous suspects in neighborhoods, said McDonnell. Theinformation, he added, is received by the recipient within seconds.

Nixle is free but text rates may apply based on the recipient'smobile carrier.

The Department has also ventured into social networking,McDonnell said.

"Police have tapped into this medium too by implementing the LongBeach Police Department's Facebook page," he said. "This page allowsus to share information with the community regarding crime, outreachevents and success stories."

It also allows members to leave comments and is a convenient wayto access the department's website, Nixle and leave tips, McDonnelladded.

Also in use is the Camera Partnership Program.

Cameras throughout the city, private and public are used bypolice so that "The goal of this program is to be able to go andidentify all close circuit tv video cameras throughout the city andthen for us to be able to tap into those privately owned or morepublicly owned cameras," he said

When this is donethe person who takes the tip can tap into thenearest camera and give real-time information to respondingofficers, the chief said.

Another system is Safe Reunion Long Beach, which uses a braceletthat resembles a watch fitted to people who suffer from dementia,Alzheimer's or other disorders and who may wander from home.

"When it's activated, within minutes we are able to locate theperson, find them and return them to their loved one," the chiefsaid.

Reverse 9-1-1, first launched in 2006, allows police to send outa pre-recorded message to phones city-wide or working with aspecific geographic area to relay emergency information.

The service automatically includes all landline phones.Cellphones, services for the deaf or Internet phone service must beregistered in order to receive those announcements, he said.

Reverse 9-1-1 is also used by the Long Beach Fire Department andthe Health Department.

According to McDonnell, the department's goal is to make use ofmodern technology to make the communication process as simple aspossible.

"The community-police partnership continues to be one of the mosteffective ways to ultimately make our city safer for everyone," hesaid.

"The community's involvement is oftentimes a crucial factor inthe effectiveness of our work - and what we need to do here is takefull advantage of what technology has to offer."

Residents can now communicate with police anytime day or night byphone or web and remain anonymous, McDonnell said.

"In an environment where people are understandably afraid toreport crime, gang crime in particularly, we're trying to avail themopportunities to be able to say what's happening." he said. "We'reasking that the community continue to be our eyes and ears, continueto be able to give us the help we need to make our communitiescollectively even safer."

Although these systems are very useful, none has replaced 911.Crimes, especially those in progress, should still be reportedthrough the 911 system, said police.

For more information, go to, 562-499-1476

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